Kwenta State Log

A living document defining the state of Kwenta

KIP-105: KIP Accountability Mechanism

Simple Summary

A method in which KIPs will have increased accountability to prevent proposals from going stale.


A sponsor role will be added to KIPs where a Core Contributor will assess feasibility prior to a proposal going up for vote and oversee implementation.


Currently, there is no way to enforce the implementation of a KIP within the Kwenta DAO. Once a proposal is passed, it sits in a state of limbo until the Kwenta Council, adminDAO, and Core Contributors coordinate to prioritize and implement the proposal. In the event a proposal is deemed low priority, subjectively decided upon by the above parties, a KIP can reach a fate of never being implemented as other, more high priority tickets, are assigned for development. To avoid this scenario, a Core Contributor will be assigned as the sponsor for a given proposal.


Three changes will need to be made for this KIP:

  1. Include a “Sponsor” section in a KIPs header where a Core Contributor is assigned to assess feasibility prior to a KIP being voted in.
  2. Include a “In progress” section to the KSL where a KIP will live when it’s been voted on but not yet implemented. It would be moved on to the implemented phase once the Sponsor has deemed the KIP completed.
  3. Add a mandatory “Rejected” section to KIPs which includes a short summary of the reason for rejecting a KIP, if applicable.

Sponsors will be selected by the Kwenta Council in collaboration with the adminDAO when a proposal is moved to the voting phase.